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    Cities: Skylines II
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    {{Icon|option|(크기 선택사항)|link=(선택사항)}}


    • {{Icon|zoning}} =
    • {{Icon|zoning|20px}} =
    • {{Icon|zoning|link=Zoning}} =
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    공통 아이콘

    [기본 크기: 40px]

    DLC 아이콘
    pdxlogin Log in with a paradox account
    테마 아이콘
    north american
    기타 아이콘
    milestone, milestones
    development points, dev points
    expansion permits
    map tiles

    도구/도구모음 아이콘

    [기본 크기: 40px] [기본 Link: ]

    도구모음 아이콘
    disaster control
    fire department, fire & rescue
    garbage management
    large parks
    large roads
    large sports parks
    medium roads
    도구모음 아이콘
    mixed residential
    parking spaces
    parks & recreation
    road services
    signature buildings
    small roads
    specialized industry
    sports parks
    도구모음 아이콘
    tourist attractions
    water & sewage
    zones, zoning


    [기본 크기: 24px]

    도시 속성 아이콘
    building leveling cost
    college graduation chance
    crime rate
    demand for electronics
    demand for software
    disaster alert time
    disaster damage
    disease infection risk
    electronics production efficiency
    export profits
    health effects from pollution
    highway traffic safety
    hospital efficiency
    immediate response rate
    import costs
    industrial air pollution
    industrial efficiency
    industrial garbage
    industrial ground pollution
    interest in university education
    loan interest
    network capacity
    office efficiency
    oil deposits
    ore deposits
    park entertainment
    prison time
    recovery failures
    software production efficiency
    university graduation chance
    로컬 속성 아이콘
    crime rate
    forest fire hazard
    forest fire response time
    well-being, wellbeing
    속성 아이콘
    건물 오염 아이콘
    air pollution Air pollution
    ground pollution Ground pollution
    noise pollution Noise pollution


    [기본 크기: 40px] [기본 Link: Notifications]

    알림 아이콘
    alert air pollution alert air pollution
    building already exists, alert already exists alert already exists
    bad service electricity bad service electricity
    battery empty battery empty
    building abandoned building abandoned
    building collapsed building collapsed
    building condemned building condemned
    building on fire building on fire
    burned down burned down
    cannot build on land cannot build on land
    contaminated water pumped contaminated water pumped
    contaminated water contaminated water
    crime scene crime scene
    dead end dead end
    building destroyed, alert destroyed alert destroyed
    dirty water pump dirty water pump
    electricity bottleneck electricity bottleneck
    exceeds city limits exceeds city limits
    exceeds lot limits exceeds lot limits
    facility full facility full
    flood alert flood alert
    groundwater level low groundwater level low
    hearse service needed hearse service needed
    invalid shape invalid shape
    leveled up leveled up
    low elevation low elevation
    low production electricity low production electricity
    알림 아이콘
    medical emergency medical emergency
    no boat access no boat access
    no car access no car access
    no cargo access no cargo access
    no customers no customers
    no educated workers no educated workers
    no fuel no fuel
    no groundwater no groundwater
    no inputs no inputs
    no outside connection no outside connection
    no pedestrian access no pedestrian access
    no running water no running water
    no tracks no tracks
    no train access no train access
    no vehicles no vehicles
    no workers no workers
    alert noise pollution alert noise pollution
    not enough electricity not enough electricity
    not enough goods in shelter not enough goods in shelter
    not enough industrial goods not enough industrial goods
    not enough money not enough money
    not enough output lines not enough output lines
    not on border not on border
    not on shoreline not on shoreline
    out of electricity out of electricity
    overlap existing overlap existing
    pathfind failed pathfind failed
    알림 아이콘
    polluted soil polluted soil
    powerline disconnected low powerline disconnected low voltage
    powerline disconnected high, powerline disconnected powerline disconnected high voltage
    rent too high rent too high
    road not connected road not connected
    sewage facility overload sewage facility overload
    sewage not enough production sewage not enough production
    sewage pipe disconnected sewage pipe disconnected
    sewage overflow sewage overflow
    short distance short distance
    small area small area
    steep slope steep slope
    surface water level low surface water level low
    tight curve tight curve
    too long route too long route
    too much garbage too much garbage
    track not connected track not connected
    traffic accident traffic accident
    traffic bottleneck traffic bottleneck
    turned off turned off
    unemployed unemployed
    building water damage, alert water damage alert water damage
    building water destroyed, alert water destroyed alert water destroyed
    water facility overload water facility overload
    water not enough production water not enough production
    water pipe disconnected water pipe disconnected
    building weather damage, alert weather damage alert weather damage
    building weather destroyed, alert weather destroyed alert weather destroyed

    상품 / 자원 / 재료

    [기본 크기: 24px] [기본 Link: Economy#Production]

    상품 / 자원 / 재료
    beverages Beverages
    chemicals Chemicals
    coal Coal
    concrete Concrete
    convenience food Convenience Food
    cotton Cotton
    crude oil Crude Oil
    electronics Electronics
    financial Financial
    상품 / 자원 / 재료
    food Food
    furniture Furniture
    garbage Garbage
    grain Grain
    livestock Livestock
    local mail Local Mail
    lodging Lodging
    machinery Machinery
    meals Meals
    media Media
    상품 / 자원 / 재료
    metal ore Metal Ore
    metals Metals
    minerals Minerals
    outgoing mail Outgoing Mail
    paper Paper
    petrochemicals Petrochemicals
    pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals
    plastics Plastics
    recreation Recreation
    stone, rock Rock
    상품 / 자원 / 재료
    software Software
    steel Steel
    textiles Textiles
    timber Timber
    unsorted mail Unsorted Mail
    vegetables Vegetables
    vehicles Vehicles
    wood Wood

    특수 산업 구역

    [기본 크기: 32px] [기본 Link: Specialized Industry]

    특수 산업 구역
    agriculture area Agriculture Area
    forestry area Forestry Area
    ore area Ore Area
    oil area Oil Area

    메인 메뉴 및 지도 개요

    [기본 크기: 24px] [기본 Link: Natural Resources]

    천연 자원
    fertile land Fertile Land
    forest Forest
    ore Ore
    oil Oil

    [기본 크기: 24px] [기본 Link: Outside Connections]

    외부 연결
    highway connections Highway Connections
    rail connections Rail Connections
    ship connections Ship Connections
    airplane connections Airplane Connections
    electricity connections Electricity Connections

    날씨 / 계절 / 기후

    [기본 크기: 24px] [기본 Link: Climate]

    기후 아이콘
    broken Broken
    few Few
    hail Hail
    humid Humid
    moon Moon
    overcast Overcast
    rain Rain
    scattered Scattered
    semi-arid Semi-arid
    semi-humid Semi-humid
    snow Snow
    storm Storm
    sun Sun


    [기본 크기: 40px] [기본 Link: Policies]

    도시 정책 아이콘
    taxi minimum Taxi Minimum Fare
    pre-release programs Pre-Release Programs
    advanced pollution management Advanced Pollution Management
    city promotion City Promotion
    high speed highways High Speed Highways
    지구 정책 아이콘
    energy consumption Energy Consumption Awareness
    recycling Recycling
    roadside parking Roadside Parking Fee
    speed bumps Speed Bumps
    heavy traffic ban Heavy Traffic Ban
    gated community Gated Community
    combustion engine ban Combustion Engine Ban


    [기본 크기: 24px] [기본 Link: Citizens]

    시민 증상 아이콘
    evacuated Evacuated
    homeless Homeless
    in distress In Distress
    injured Injured
    malcontent Malcontent
    sick Sick
    weak Weak
    행복 아이콘
    happy Happy
    content Content
    neutral Neutral
    sad Sad
    depressed Depressed
    쿠키는 저희의 서비스 전달에 도움을 줍니다. 저희의 서비스를 사용함으로써 당신은 저희의 쿠키 사용에 동의하게 됩니다.
    쿠키는 저희의 서비스 전달에 도움을 줍니다. 저희의 서비스를 사용함으로써 당신은 저희의 쿠키 사용에 동의하게 됩니다.